Dr Mercola Pau D'Arco | 120 Capsules

Dr Mercola Pau D'Arco | 120 Capsules

As you age, your cells ability to repair its damaged DNA declines. The healthy function of your cells and mitochondria and your entire body require...


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As you age, your cells ability to repair its damaged DNA declines. The healthy function of your cells and mitochondria and your entire body require intact genetic material. Without it, your cells age faster and your risk for degenerative disease climbs. What if there was an effective way to help your cells and mitochondria mend their broken DNA?

No matter what you do to try to slow down the clock, one thing is for certain: you cant stop the cells in your body and brain from ageing.
While you may not be able tostopthe process of cellular ageing, youcanhelp slow it down by focusing at where ageing happens your mitochondria.

As you age, your cells ability to repair its damaged DNA declines. The healthy function of your cells and mitochondria and your entire body require intact genetic material. Without it, your cells age faster and your risk for degenerative disease climbs. What if there was an effective way to help your cells and mitochondria mend their broken DNA?

No matter what you do to try to slow down the clock, one thing is for certain: you cant stop the cells in your body and brain from ageing.
While you may not be able tostopthe process of cellular ageing, youcanhelp slow it down by focusing at where ageing happens your mitochondria.

As you age, your cells ability to repair its damaged DNA declines. The healthy function of your cells and mitochondria and your entire body require intact genetic material. Without it, your cells age faster and your risk for degenerative disease climbs. What if there was an effective way to help your cells and mitAs you age, your cells ability to repair its damaged DNA declines. The healthy function of your cells and mitochondria and your entire body require intact genetic material. Without it, your cells age faster and your risk for degenerative disease climbs. What if there was an effective way to help your cells and mit


Pau d’Arco can be taken on a daily basis for its mitochondrial, contribution to supporting a normal immune systemand anti-cellular aging benefits. This herb may also help:

  • Support heart, skin and respiratory health.
  • Raise your levels of NAD+ to support the repair of mitochondrial DNA and the bio-genesis of new mitochondria.
  • Improve cellular energy production or ATP.
  • Reduce damaging reactive species or ROS.
  • Maintain blood sugar levels already in the healthy normal range.
  • Support weight management.
  • Enhance strength and vigour.
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